The Necessary Illusion

Don’t worry, Soul Unfold readers–I have not left your side.  I even reach out to you while running out to grab lunch. Yesterday’s card was The Devil–it was one of those days that is like quicksand, where you feel like you can’t get a foothold, and more questions and to-dos just keep pouring in.  I was also grumpy, which is Devil-like!

Guess what, though?  After all of that whining I did about canceling my vids, someone special gave me a webcam and setup, so I will be coming to you in all-new high definition very soon (hopefully tonight, but my God, I really have to do laundry).

Today’s card is the Ace of Wands–this is a card of career and creative opportunities, and wands are the suit of flame, so consider this card to be like the flame re-igniting in my soul (every now and then the pilot light gets blown out, no shame in that game). It is also my “YES” card for some situations–the Aces of every suit can function that way from time to time, but take care with that, because sometimes they mean “YES EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT OK” and not “YES THIS IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION.” It is a positive card with a lot of germination energy–as in “we’ve only just begun” (sorry about the Carpenters earworm, but at least you’re in good company, I gave it to myself, too):

Stay tuned to find out if I have more to say about the Ace of Wands later on.  I am also considering blogging about the Akashic records soon–anyone interested?  I recently received a request to write about astral travel as well.  I am somewhat uncomfortable with OBEs (Out of Body Experiences), although I have seen my soul cord upon waking (thick silver cord extending out of my lower chest/solar plexus area) and have experienced lucid dreams where I am visiting with angels and other spirit guides.  I am still growing in this area, so watch for more cool things to happen.  I have experienced clairaudience before (I am writing about this in my book, and one of my posts on this blog describes this encounter with Spirit Guide Althea).

In considering writing about the Akashic records, I want to encourage you strongly to remember that there is a reason we are born with innocence of the endless futures and pasts that surround us. We do not have knowledge of our past and future lives because we are here to fulfill the current life plan we have written for our souls. The current iteration of you, the wave spiraling out from the Source that is you right now, was divinely concocted to encounter this world with all of your faults and glories and to make the impact you are making, whether you view that impact as positive or negative. Knowledge of the future and past can change people, can orient them away from their purpose, so encounter it carefully and continue to ground yourself in the present, or you risk falling down the rabbit hole of needing to know everything-and that is a dark path, I promise.

I received a message from my future self yesterday about this subject.  You can communicate with your future self, too-just ask your divination tools what message your future self would send you if you could sit in front of him or her, and even imagine him or her walking in and sitting across from you.  It will be one of the clearest, most helpful answers for your present situation that you could imagine, and you will feel the imprint of your own spirit in the response (because it IS you answering, but I promise, it will feel like the best, brightest, smartest version of you ever).  My future self told me along with a card flip (my question was:  if my future self could give me any advice right now to help us make it to where we need to be, what would she tell me?):

“It’s OK not to know.  All information will come to you at the right time. For now, it’s up to you to make the decisions, to be brave, to try.  That is what it means to be human.”

She kicked me in the pants and reminded me to be a person of faith, the person who takes it one step at a time.  And no, before you ask, she does not respond this way every time–at other times, she has reminded me that we get stronger every day, she has warned me of dead-end ideas and situations, and, recently, that wisdom comes with experience. Basically, when I communicate with the angels, they comfort me and give me love and support (and occasionally real talk), but when I communicate with myself, she kicks me in the rear and reminds me to grow up.  She’s a jerk, but she’s who I want to be when I grow up.  Too bad she doesn’t have a British accent to go along with that bad attitude.

Curious about whether my present self gives my past self advice?  I believe our souls are nonlinear, and that time and space are necessary constructs made by humankind to move forward in a physical world. I often meditate with my past self and offer her solace and advice, and it is a healing, wonderful exercise in which I discover how far I have come in this leg of my journey and truly feel like I am sending energy to the “past” where it is needed. If you ever doubt that time is an illusion, consider those days when we “spring ahead” (this weekend) and “fall back” an hour, or consider time zones and how events occur at different times according to where you live, but they occur at the same “moment” for everyone. Yes, that is the measurement of time we are talking about, but it gives you pause when you consider the possibilities outside of our physical world. From the top-down, spiritual perspective, time is an illusion, a construct, but it is a necessary one for us to get the essential work done while we’re in this arena called Earth.  Time is one of the greatest tools we have to truly learn and change, and ultimately, transformation and change are the secrets to why we are still breathing.






3 of Pentacles: Help is on the Way?


Today’s card is the 3 of Pentacles–this is a card of commitment, mutual respect across team members, apprenticeship and beginning a project. Most significantly, it is NOT a solo card. This morning, as I chatted with my bf, I told him I was thinking of giving up on doing video posts. As he encouraged me to make the changes i have been considering to my projects, the song Hang On, Help Is On the Way came on randomly (we were in public). I knew that message was for me,  as the song has been important to me in the past.

Can’t wait to see what this day brings!  Stay tuned, and let me know if you’re enjoying my series!

Love always,


The Day of Fashionable Women

Hello Everyone,

The cards did not disappoint again today. I was met with 3 impromptu conversations about Transformation and 3 fashionable, strong women talking about change–Death and the 9 of Pentacles made a fabulous pair today.

As the third fashionable lady said the word “Transformation” to me this afternoon, I was struck by the delight of working with my cards in this new project and journaling about it.

All 3 of the 9 of Pentacles ladies today spoke of the need for a change (different kinds of changes for all three!) and, through them, I watched Spirit speak to me, through Synchronicity. As Spirit brings themes into our lives, we need to pay attention. This week so far, you have witnessed me read the following manuscript as it played out in my life, highlighted by Tarot:

Wednesday:  Creative endeavors, the girl on fire–the beginning of something new, creative and exciting.

Thursday:  Heartbreak, Tarot as a counseling tool and a way to help others heal.

Friday: Synchronicity–Transformation, Spirit reminding me they are working through all of us.

A creative beginning.
A focus on healing and counseling.

Anybody else see a big, fat message here? I do. Spirit says I’m ready for more change and I’m entering a time of change.

I hope you are all enjoying this series–I love you and I’m happy to be walking this path with you by my side.

Love always,


PS this was my first Gwynnie Bee outfit:


Death and Taxes

Hello Everyone–

I wrote this this morning but just realized I forgot to hit Publish.  Today’s cards are Death and the 9 of Pentacles.  The Death card traditionally represents utter transformation, and as an event, it is a ground-clearing, totally new beginning kind of event.  As a card of the day, it is likely to represent the overarching theme of my day, which the previous 2 cards of the days have also done.  Hence, I can expect the theme of my day to be Transformation.  My thoughts will be on transformation, my interactions will be about transformation, my encounters will be about transformation.  Ever heard of synchronicity?  That is what I am seeing come into full effect as I work on this Tarot journal, the cards are revealing the underpinnings of the Universe as my divine plan unfolds, and I experience a richer understanding of it through communicating with Spirit. You can do this, too (I reveal a new way how in every post).

Our clarifier is the 9 of Pentacles.  She is one of my favorite cards, because she is an independent, sophisticated woman who exercises a gentle sort of control over her environment.  I know her–she is the woman I have been cultivating as “future me” in my mind (and on my secret Pinterest board, God Bless It) for some time, so I am happy to see her today.  I think she might be heralding how excited I am to be wearing my first Gwynnie Bee wardrobe rental outfit-stay tuned later to see my outfit and my review of my first GB shipment, if you’re also style-curious.  I will also fill you in on how the day went and how the cards aligned–see you then!

Love always,


3 of Swords and High Priestess Reversed: Heartbreak or Something Sweeter?

Hello Everyone,

Spirit made a lovely move today by giving us the 3 of Swords and High Priestess to talk about.  This combo gave me a chance to segue into my favorite part of reading Tarot for friends and family–and that is offering solace and guidance through counseling. Please see today’s vid (and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel) at

Love as always,


First Video: Girl on Fire

Hi everyone!  Today, as promised, I created my first video for you.  This morning, I pulled a Tarot card and promised from my Instagram account (YoureSoFaerica) to post a video tonight interpreting how the card played out over my day.  Please enjoy my video and feel free to leave me any feedback you have.  Just follow this link to YouTube:

Love as always,
