What’s the Best Possible Outcome? A Quick Exercise in Dealing with Negative Thoughts

I’ve been trying something new lately. I have caught myself so many times recently fuming in my quiet moments over unfairness done to or around me, and it is toxic.

I realized that these thoughts are natural and they WILL happen, but I have control over what happens next. I have been actively on the lookout for these moments, and replacing the negative thoughts with ideas of what I want in my life a year from now, or just in the future at large. It’s incredibly refreshing to shift my focus and shift my energy, and I have noted that ideas and creativity flow more freely when I work on this. I call it “tending my Secret Garden” (lol I know it’s corny).

Anyone who has had a Reiki session with me knows that I teach a version of the Secret Garden meditation where I guide my client through a peaceful landscape that ultimately leads to their Spirit Guide. That landscape is the visualization of their soul, their dreams, all of the positive and beautiful things they hold dear to themselves, and once visualized, it is always there to be used later as a tool to remind ourselves what we treasure and what our minds are capable of creating—beauty, love, and peace ☮️.

Essentially, the idea of the Secret Garden is to simultaneously discover in yourself what you hold most dear, who you want to be, and that you have the power to change your own emotional landscape for the better. Whatever you imagine determines the conditions of the path you walk to that destiny—whether you make the sun shine or the thunder boom in the Secret Garden is up to you.

I leave you today then with one small piece of peace to keep in mind: What WOULD happen if, instead of focusing on the worst, you asked yourself—what’s the BEST that could happen? #soulunfold #breakingthecycle #changeyourmindset